Thursday, April 25, 2013

US Goverment Sues Armstrong

By: Joe Agerskow & Brett Rubash
For many years, Lance Armstrong was the face of adversity and integrity, but now he is looked down on.  After all of the allegations and charges that were brought on him in the past year, Armstrong seems to be the villain in all of this.   In class we talked about deviancy in sport related to cheating and Armstrong is just the poster boy.  In the article written in the Irish Examiner, it says that the US government in now seeking a sum of over $50 million.  This would be for defrauding the US Postal Service for his disgraceful behavior.  According to Coakley "The use of performance-enhancing substances in sports in commonplace."  We as fans and customers of these sports are slowly finding out this harsh reality.  The high levels of PEDs is astounding in every sport from baseball to cycling.  Armstrong was stripped of his record seven Tour de France titles and given a life ban from cycling after the US Anti-Doping Agency produced a damaging portfolio of evidence that claim he had been doping throughout his whole career.  Armstrong is only one of many who have either been found to or have admitted to illegally enhancing themselves in numerous ways.  It is a shame that this rate has to be so high because we are now in a time where there is enough technology around to help someone legally preform well.

 Coakley. (2009). Sports In Society. New York: McGraw-Hill

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