Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Brittney Griner game for NBA and taste of own medicine

Women and Womens sport is a subject that has evolved dramatically over the recent history, yet despite this, men's sports have remained the most covered and the most watched by sports across the globe.  In class we cover such topics as when women gained and received power in sports as many people have dismissed the idea claiming women can compete with men, yet, should the offer become available, Griner said she would be willing to play for the Dallas Mavericks in the NBA. In this article Griner claims that although she would accept the opportunity to play for the Mavericks, her first concern would be the WNBA. "Even if you don't make it, at least you tried, at least somebody pushed the envelope." And that is the exact point for women in sport.  Many people may think that Griner is invading in the men's world.  According to Jay Coakley "When girls and women play certain sports, they may be seen as invaders of male turf."   For women's sports, this would be a great turning point and milestone, and could give real hope and a real role model for the women hoping to play basketball as a career. Not only this, but she could attempt to prove that the gap is not as great as people make out. Wars, depressions and Title XI have all helped in different ways to try and balance out the gender superiority men had for years, and Griner in the NBA could be another pivotal occasion for Women.          

Coakley. (2009). Sports In Society. New York: McGraw Hill  

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