Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Racial Bias Builds Hurdle for Smith

By Joe Agerskow and Brett Rubash

On the 18th of April we discusses Race and ethnic groups in sport and how they still to this day, have hurdles to get over and stereotypes to remove. In USA today, Jarrett Bell, discusses how the West Virginia Quarter back has become the latest target of unfounded reports. Geno Smith, is the latest quarterback who has been negatively described as 'not a student of the game and not committed or focused with marginal work ethic. Smith now joins a list of recent black quarterbacks including Cam Newton and RGIII who have all been targeted under the stereotype of black athletes.  Jay Coakley poses a good question when he states "does racial ideology influence the ways that African Americans interpret their own physical abilities and potential as athletes?"  Coakley is basically asking if black athletes also go along with their stereotypes.  The article written by Bell, discusses how these stereotypes that surround black athletes are still used today despite the work ethic and talent shown by the two names mentioned above. Through discussions in class, we know that African American athletes dominate explosive sports and the NFL, however, not as Quarterbacks or kickers. This new image of black quarterbacks certainly goes against what the game as a whole used to be.
Book Source
Coakley. (2009). Sports In Society. New York: McGraw-Hill

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