Thursday, April 25, 2013

US Goverment Sues Armstrong

By: Joe Agerskow & Brett Rubash
For many years, Lance Armstrong was the face of adversity and integrity, but now he is looked down on.  After all of the allegations and charges that were brought on him in the past year, Armstrong seems to be the villain in all of this.   In class we talked about deviancy in sport related to cheating and Armstrong is just the poster boy.  In the article written in the Irish Examiner, it says that the US government in now seeking a sum of over $50 million.  This would be for defrauding the US Postal Service for his disgraceful behavior.  According to Coakley "The use of performance-enhancing substances in sports in commonplace."  We as fans and customers of these sports are slowly finding out this harsh reality.  The high levels of PEDs is astounding in every sport from baseball to cycling.  Armstrong was stripped of his record seven Tour de France titles and given a life ban from cycling after the US Anti-Doping Agency produced a damaging portfolio of evidence that claim he had been doping throughout his whole career.  Armstrong is only one of many who have either been found to or have admitted to illegally enhancing themselves in numerous ways.  It is a shame that this rate has to be so high because we are now in a time where there is enough technology around to help someone legally preform well.

 Coakley. (2009). Sports In Society. New York: McGraw-Hill

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Women's First Shot at the Ultimate Fighter

By: Joe Agerskow & Brett Rubash
UFC has quickly become one of televisions most watched sports.  With all of the hype surrounding it, UFC has created at television show that follows in the footsteps of the PGA's Big Break, where contestants compete for a spot on the PGA Tour.  The show is called the Ultimate Fighter, which debuted in January 2005, and the show has been a success from day one.  The  show has always been a show where males competed to win the title, but now it is the women's turn to fight.  John Morgan of USA Today Sports "regardless of the names of the fighters who qualify for the show, women will continue to prove to be valuable UFC additions."  It is clearly seen that in todays world there is space for men and women in the same sport.  The excitement around this may not have been so high if was not for all of the progress that has been made in women's sports.  It is surprising that women have been so accepted in such an aggressively male dominated sport.  It just speaks greatly for the success of women's sports.   It seems that men may take this a women intruding on their sport.  Coakley states that "When girls and women play certain sports, they may be seen as invaders of male turf."  This however doesn't seem to be true in todays world.  The evolution of women's sports has been a very positive impact on the sports world.
Book Source
Coakley. (2009). Sports In Society. New York: McGraw-Hill

McClean removed from Twitter after Sunderland winger's controversial comments spark IRA sectarian row

Mail Online

By Joe Agerskow and Brett Rubash

Social media is one of the newest and most popular developments within sports and is directly affecting the sports industry. With websites such as Twitter, a great way for fans and players to interact with one another, there also comes a number of complications regarding players and comments they may or not make. According to the article by Colin Young in Mail online Sunderland, of the English Premiere league, have been forced to ban James McClean from Twitter following a sectarian row on the social media site.  According to Coakley "In the case of sports, those who control media not only decide which sports and events to cover but also the kinds of images and commentary that are presented in the coverage."  This is very similar to the ways that players are controlled. 

Frustration: McClean's decision to play for Republic of Ireland, not Northern Ireland, sparked anger among some fansIn class we discussed how the social media plays a major role within sports and provides an instant link and opportunities for fans to interact with their players. His comments were in regards to a song called The Broad Black Brimmer which talks about a boy whose father is killed while fighting for the IRA. Athletes, in this modern era need to be careful as to topics they discuss on social media as showing popularity may have a major effect on them receiving an endorsement deal.

Book Source
Coakley. (2009). Sports In Society. New York: McGraw-Hill

Another Lion caged

By: Joe Agerskow & Brett Rubash
The Detroit Lions have had a long history of bad luck when it comes to draft picks.  Some of their picks are busts and some of their picks get busted.  The Lions 2012 fourth round pick defensive end Ronnell Lewis was Tasered twice by the Norman, Oklahoma police after being a part of a bar fight early Saturday morning.  On April 4, in class we learned about the deviance of some athletes.  According to the article written by Dave Birkett for USA Today Sports, this isn't the first time a Lions player has been in the news for illegal activity.  In fact it is quite a long list.  In late March, safety Amari Spievey was charged with a felony after a dispute with his girlfriend.  In 2012 the Lions had a player arrested or cited in every month of the off-season.  Some of these charges include simple assault and DUI.  According to Jay Coakley, "off-the-field violence among athletes may be due to unique situational factors encountered more often by athletes than by other people."  This is most likely true when it comes to problems that occur in bars and night clubs because athletes have more time to go to these places. For Lewis, this may have been a situation where he was at the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong people.  He will most likely receive some sort of punishment from the NFL.  The NFL will suspend players for their behavior off of the field, but is it really making a difference.  These 1 and 2 game suspensions are not teaching anyone a lesson.   As long as these players are getting off with just a slap on the wrist, they will continue to embarrass their teams.  We know it is really bad when players can go to prison for over a year and they are allowed to still play  in the NFL.  Maybe the NFL needs to change its ways or maybe the individual organizations need to take this into their own hands.
Book Source
Coakley. (2009). Sports In Society. New York: McGraw-Hill

Luis Suarez 10 game ban

Within the Soccer world the name Luis Suarez is one that splits opinions and is accompanied by controversy all across the world. His regular rule breaking, and law breaking actions drag down a man who is without doubt one of the greatest footballers and strikers of this generation.

Some of Suarez's negative actions include, racism towards Patrice Evra, deliberately handling the ball in the World Cup game v Ghana, and refusing to shake Evras' hand following the racism incident. More recently however he bit Chelsea's Branislav Ivanovic in Liverpool's 2-2 draw. This is not the first time in which Suarez bit an opponent as he did it in Holland while playing for Ajax.

In class we talked about defiance is sport and punishments governing bodies give players. Coakley stated in his book " Efforts to control brutal body contact require changes in gender ideology and the cultures of certain sports." According to the article by David Bond in BBC sport, The FA have given Suarez a 10 match ban, which is 7 games longer then the standard 3 match ban usually offered for violent conduct within a game. The FA have previously banned players for longer then Suarez has received. In 1998 Paolo Di Canio received a 11 game ban for pushing over the referee and Barton received a 12 game ban for violent conduct for QPR.

These are signs that The FA are trying to reduce the level of defiance within the sport of football and prepared to increase bans for exceptionally bad showing of sportsmanship.

 Coakley. (2009). Sports In Society. New York: McGraw-Hill

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

MLB, teams taking students to see film '42'

The emergence of African American's within sport  began as a real battle. It took an extended period of time before black athletes were able to compete with white athletes, with the first being Jackie Robinson in baseball as the first black player in 1947. To this day Jackie Robinson is a legend of the sport and a real break through athlete. At the time Baseball was America's most popular game yet he withstood hatred from thousands to persist and become a real icon for all black players. This article looks at how MLB teams are acknoledging the emergence of the first balck athlete in the sport by taking school children to see the new film. The film talks about the life and career of Jackie Robinson and the MLB believe  "the movie depicts the proudest moment in baseball history" and provide and "educate our next generation about Jackie Robinson's vital impact on our nation." Through our discussions in class, we learned that African Americans dominate the percentages of sports like basketball and high power activities such as Sprinting and Basketball.  Coakley talks about racial ideology in his book, stating "Over the past three centuries, but especially during that last century, many whites in the United States grew up fearing the power of black male bodies, feeling anxious about their sexual capacities and being fascinated by their movements."  Racial ideology is still an ongoing problem in sports today.         

 Coakley. (2009). Sports In Society. New York: McGraw-Hill
Chadwick Boseman as Jackie Robinson

Brittney Griner game for NBA and taste of own medicine

Women and Womens sport is a subject that has evolved dramatically over the recent history, yet despite this, men's sports have remained the most covered and the most watched by sports across the globe.  In class we cover such topics as when women gained and received power in sports as many people have dismissed the idea claiming women can compete with men, yet, should the offer become available, Griner said she would be willing to play for the Dallas Mavericks in the NBA. In this article Griner claims that although she would accept the opportunity to play for the Mavericks, her first concern would be the WNBA. "Even if you don't make it, at least you tried, at least somebody pushed the envelope." And that is the exact point for women in sport.  Many people may think that Griner is invading in the men's world.  According to Jay Coakley "When girls and women play certain sports, they may be seen as invaders of male turf."   For women's sports, this would be a great turning point and milestone, and could give real hope and a real role model for the women hoping to play basketball as a career. Not only this, but she could attempt to prove that the gap is not as great as people make out. Wars, depressions and Title XI have all helped in different ways to try and balance out the gender superiority men had for years, and Griner in the NBA could be another pivotal occasion for Women.          

Coakley. (2009). Sports In Society. New York: McGraw Hill                                                                                                   

Jets trade Darrelle Revis to Bucs

Darrelle Revis to the Bucs is one of the most eyebrow raising deals ahead of the upcoming season, but his new income of $96 million, over the course of the next six seasons is perhaps raising even more eye brows. According to the article by Adam Schefter this deal is the biggest in NFL history for a man of his position. This once again is one contract that begs the question as to weather or not athletes are paid too much money in sport. The NFL, as we discussed in class, has some of the highest paid sports stars within American and an average wage far superior to the vast majority of the population in America. The NFL is no stranger to handing out big deals to individuals and with the risk of injury far greater in the NFL than most other sports there is an obvious reason for this. According to Coakley "An increase in salaries that began in the mid-70s has enabled athletes to save and invest money that can be used to create future career opportunities." The lowest wage in the NFL is $405,000 and these players however run the risk of a career with a terrible injury and never getting another contract, which accompanied by far shorter careers in general, it is no wonder that their wages are so high.
Book Source
Coakley. (2009). Sports In Society. New York: McGraw-Hill

Racial Bias Builds Hurdle for Smith

By Joe Agerskow and Brett Rubash

On the 18th of April we discusses Race and ethnic groups in sport and how they still to this day, have hurdles to get over and stereotypes to remove. In USA today, Jarrett Bell, discusses how the West Virginia Quarter back has become the latest target of unfounded reports. Geno Smith, is the latest quarterback who has been negatively described as 'not a student of the game and not committed or focused with marginal work ethic. Smith now joins a list of recent black quarterbacks including Cam Newton and RGIII who have all been targeted under the stereotype of black athletes.  Jay Coakley poses a good question when he states "does racial ideology influence the ways that African Americans interpret their own physical abilities and potential as athletes?"  Coakley is basically asking if black athletes also go along with their stereotypes.  The article written by Bell, discusses how these stereotypes that surround black athletes are still used today despite the work ethic and talent shown by the two names mentioned above. Through discussions in class, we know that African American athletes dominate explosive sports and the NFL, however, not as Quarterbacks or kickers. This new image of black quarterbacks certainly goes against what the game as a whole used to be.
Book Source
Coakley. (2009). Sports In Society. New York: McGraw-Hill

NCAA alleged unethical conduct

By Joe Agerskow and Brett Rubash

Defiance, accounted by rule breaking is a very heated and hotly discussed topic among fans, players pundits and governing bodies alike. On the 16th of April we looked at defiance in sport as a whole and the impact it can have on people and sports. According to Coakley "Some people claim that this deviance has become serious today because financial stakes have become so great in sports.  Defiance can be defined as anything that goes against the norms, and within sport, that can includes such things as rule breaking and drug taking. The article by George Schroeder in USA today discusses in depth how Coach Hurtt of Miami, (Fla) is committing several infractions, including 'improperly inducing recruits.' The Miami coach is not the only individual involved in these claims, according the article. He is in fact one of several coaches facing the allegations. The current climate places such an impetuous on winning that the cost of losing for athletes and coaches is so greatly different from those of winning. This creates a scenarios that when the opportunity presents itself to increase the probability of success, it is no wonder as to why some athletes and coaches are willing to take the risk. As George Schroeder states, Coach Hurtt had a clause in his contract stating he was not allowed to bring negative press to the athletics or the college, yet despite this, chose to take the risk anyway by breaking some basic and very clear NCAA rules. As rule breaking becomes a greater focus in society, it will be interesting to see how this case is completed in June as governing bodies are looking to increase punishments in a lot of sports.
Book Source
Coakley. (2009). Sports In Society. New York: McGraw-Hill